Do you focus so much on where you are going that you fail to see the here and now? I sometimes do this. I fail to “live in the moment.”
This image was taken by a lens called a Lens Baby. It has a “sweet spot” where things are in focus. The rest of the image is somewhat out of focus, depending on several variables.
This image however speaks to me about living in the moment. I fail sometimes to see the trees where I am. I may not appreciate enough the love of my family or the love of my Lord. I may fail to hear my friends when they call out to me. I may overlook a need by one close to me.
Mitch and I got up early and we were sitting on a dock on another part of the lake as the sun rose. We went to take pictures of the sunrise. There were Coots, Herons, and ducks. A couple of fishermen put their boat in the water and took off, in the early morning fog. We also heard the cry of a Loon.
After the sun rose, we came home and had French toast for breakfast.
I am sitting here at my computer listening to a Brown Thrasher. Earlier, I heard Blue Birds. I just enjoyed a cup of tea, listening to the sounds of the morning.
Today, I am going to try and focus on the now. I am going to try not looking around that bend and wondering what is there and worrying about the “what if’s.”
Worrying about the “what if’s” is a major problem about not living in the here and now. Yes, you need to prepare for the future. You can, however, worry yourself, literally, to death by focusing too much on the “yet to come”.
My grandmother used to tell me, “Don’t go chasing shadows.”
Join me in the here and now. Enjoy the gift given to you today!