A friend gave me a lens set to go with my new Lensbaby (a type of camera lens). I then went to the store and bought a pail of red tulips to practice taking pictures of, with my news lens set. I had a great time. Tulips to me are one of the signs of Spring that lift my heart. Taking pictures of tulips with a new lens from a friend – well, what a great time.
Thinking of friends and people I love brought me to this coming weekend.
Valentines Day is this coming weekend. This is a difficult day for many people. There are those who have never found that special someone to be with, married to, engaged to, or just “in love” with. There are those that may have found that someone but lost them, perhaps in death (we went to a funeral today and there have been several losses of friends in the last week). Perhaps that special someone they love is far away, I think of our men and women in the military or in service to the Lord as missionaries. There are so many reasons to be away from a loved one. Then there are those who are divorced, not by choice but whose marriage fell apart due to things they could not control.
Valentines Day is a “Couples Day.” And it can be very sad.
However, if you can learn to love yourself I believe you can be alone and be okay. I found the following quote today:
You cannot be lonely if you like the person you're alone with. ~Wayne W. Dyer
I have not learned this yet. I still sometimes do not like myself. I still sometimes think I am too . . . Though; I am more comfortable in this skin than I was as a young woman.
My Valentines greeting to each of you is:
Find yourself and be pleased with yourself. In essence, love yourself.
Buy yourself some tulips and enjoy the day!