This image is one that my husband shot, while I was creaming (scraping) an ear of corn. The corn is in – meaning that the corn crop is ready to be harvested, at least some of it. We went to the “corn cooler”, a place where the farmer’s fresh picked corn is taken for distribution. This is actually a commercial establishment, but individuals can go and get a few crates. We have gone there for the last several years and bought corn.
Then we sit on the back porch and Mitch shucks the ears. He then hands them to me and I run them across this “grater” to cut the kernels and then again to pull out the middle (just want to be sure I get all of the good stuff) of the kernels. It is hot and messy work.
I use a “grater” or “scraper” that was my Grandmother’s. I enjoy sitting there and thinking about her using it and now I am using it. While it is hard work, it is peace giving work for me to think about her.
I don’t get carried away by my recall – when the peas come in, I buy them already shelled. Then Mitch and I blanch them and put them up – freeze them.
I enjoy summer, fresh peaches, fresh corn, fresh tomatoes, fresh peas, and so on. I simply can not get enough.
However, the key to this is that in the middle of winter, I get the taste of summer, right out of my own freezer.
I hope you have memories that come to you this time of year and give you peace and pleasure.