Sunday, November 30, 2008

My Thanks

As I was looking through some photographs from last fall, I came upon this photograph of a Life-Saving Station on Cape Cod. While the photograph is interesting and it brought back some nice memories of our vacation, it brought to mind something much more important.

Mitch, my husband, and I got to spend Thanksgiving together. There were a number of years that we were very limited in spending Thanksgiving together. We might have supper with family, but Mitch would be working. Or, we might have lunch together with family, but Mitch would be working.

There are many people in the “life saving” area who do not get to celebrate holidays with their families. These include those locally such as law enforcement, paramedics, and firefighters. Then there are those that are defending our country, Coast Guard, Air Force, Army, Marines, and Navy,

To this I could add, doctors, nurses, and others in the medical fields.

So, to each of you who made my Thanksgiving with my husband and our family a nice day, I say thank you. May God bless each of you and your very special family.

Thursday, November 27, 2008


Those of us here for Thanksgiving.

Brandie, our daughter, and her son, William.

Michelle, our daughter, and William

One of the most important things about Thanksgiving is, for me, family. I thoroughly love having as much of my family around me as I can get. Each year this varies with family. A few years ago, I was going through radiation, so we decided Thanksgiving should be small. We were worried about the chance of my getting ill. Every so often my brother's boys, our nephews, would bring an extra guest or two, which was really great.
I also like it when we have friends around for lunch. A couple of years ago we had three extra couples for lunch. They were at our church helping us to build our church. It was such a treat to share lunch with them. We have invited people that we work with on occasion.
Thanksgiving, sitting around a dining table (or sometimes two or three tables) sharing food, laughs, life, is wonderful.
Another important part of Thanksgiving is being thankful to our Lord. Even though I try to keep caught up each day, this day just gives me an extra day to remember how blessed I am.
I hope you had a good Thanksgiving and that you are richly blessed with family and friends.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Beauty of the Earth

Mitch and I spent several days last week in Lake Wales, Florida. We went to Bok Tower, a place I had heard of often but never visited. It is an exquisite place. There is the tower, which has a magnificient carillion. There is also a lovely garden. Soon the Camellias will be in bloom. There were a "gazillion" buds waiting to bloom. Here is a picture of a Swan. There were two of them in the reflecting pool in front of the tower.

Swans to me are just incredibly beautiful. I hope you have, and realize that you have, beauty in your life.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


One of my favorite things is riding around looking at the country where we live. It is just beautiful everywhere you look. We live in a farm belt. There is always something going on, either planting, fertilizing, watering, or harvesting. Here are a couple of pictures of the sun setting over a wheat field.
I hope you enjoy the place where you live.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Great Blue Heron

A few days ago, Mitch and I took our small john boat and went for a short ride on the water. It was a beautiful day and I wanted to see some blue sky and smell fresh water. I had not been feeling well and sunshine always makes me feel better. We grabbed a few shots of the autumn colors and I got a few shots of a Great Blue Heron. Here is one of the images.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Coheelee Creek

Mitch and I went several days ago to Coheelee Creek. We actually went looking for fall color and there was not much of it yet. However, we love to go to Coheelee to photograph. There is a covered bridge and it has a nice stream. We walked further down the stream than we had been before. There was a four foot high bank covered with ferns. I tried to get a photograph but the sun is in the wrong place this time of year. So, a note went in my calendar for later, when the sun is in the northern route.

However, here is a picture of the creek leading to the covered bridge. It is just a peaceful, country image. Someplace where I could sit and while away a day (even without a book). I should point out that we were up before daybreak to get to Coheelee early.

I hope you are having a lovely fall where you are.


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Sea Shells

Mitch and I went to Fort Clinch, in Florida on the northeast coast, a couple of years ago. It was in January and we were celebrating our anniversary. It was freezing cold. However, to the beach we went. Cold or hot, the beach is one of my favorite places to be. There were a lot of shells and this pattern intrigued me, maybe because it reminds me of a quilt.

I also thought of election day when I looked at it. Our country made up of all different races, genders, beliefs, opinions. It has worked so far. May it work from now on.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Autumn Fog

This is a tall ship at Mystic Seaport, Connecticut.

This is a man fishing on Stonington Point, Connecticut.

It is a beautiful time of year. The leaves on certain trees change colors, some to red, some to gold, even some to a peach color. The Red Cypress that are around where we live turn to their rusty, red color. So, it is a very colorful time of year. Another thing about this time of year is the fog. In autumn we have, at least around here, a greater opportunity for fog than during the summer.

These two pictures are a few pictures of “foggy” weather. They were both taken when we were at Mystic Seaport in Connecticut last fall. Being on the sea, it was incredibly foggy and very beautiful.