Monday, October 13, 2008


Today was a slow day, especially when compared with yesterday’s hectic schedule. I taught the Sunday School class. As always I really enjoyed it. It was the Senior Adult Class, which is the over 60 years of age in our church. We have three adult classes and this was the oldest one. Then I led the worship service, filling in for our Choir Director. That is a joy for me, though it is certainly a tense time. I sang the morning special music, “I Call it Home.” It is a piece I had been practicing to sing with my Dad but that had not worked out. Since I needed a song, at the last minute so to speak, I sang this one.

Our daughters tease us about being retired and never knowing if it is the weekend or not. This is not so! For us the weekend is the busy time.

We live in an area which is mostly made up of weekenders, those that only come in for the weekend. Frequently on Friday and Saturday’s we are visiting with friends who come in. We usually go out, at least on Friday nights, to dinner with friends. Saturdays we may go out again.

If I am having lunch with friends, it is usually to meet them somewhere on Saturdays. We’ll have lunch and visit and maybe stroll through antique shops.

Then Sundays are always busy. Sunday School and Church in the morning then again Church in the evening. Mitch teaches a children’s class on Sunday nights. I have choir practice on Sunday afternoons (pre-evening services).

So, we really do know when the weekend rolls around. For us that is usually the busiest time of the week.

Then, Mondays are time to relax and catch up around the house. That was today.

I hope you have time to catch up, be it a week day or a weekend. Just some time to relax is always important.

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